PhoneBurner: Why We’re Not Enterprise and Proud of It

John Rydell

March 15, 2024

5 min

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A lot of SaaS (software as a service) companies pride themselves on being an enterprise solution.

Not PhoneBurner.

We’re not enterprise and don't want to be. We’re SaaS for individuals and everyday small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) just like you. Sure, we have enterprise-size (50+ seat) clients as well, but we’ve found that even big companies appreciate SMB treatment.

The cornerstone of our business is to:

  • Make it as easy as possible for clients to try our service
  • Allow clients of all sizes to work with us, not just companies with deep pockets
  • Earn our clients’ business every month, not lock clients in

Let's get to some specifics.

Here's what bugs us about how many enterprise SaaS companies are operating today, and what we're committed to doing differently better.

Account Setup “Hoops”

Most enterprise companies won’t let you setup your own account. They make you fill out a form and talk to a sales engineer before you can do anything.

PhoneBurner has no hoops to jump through. Create an account when you want. If you want to talk to one of our experts or see a demo, we’re available. Oh, and you can try out our service absolutely free.

1 Year or Two?

Enterprise companies want you to (or make you) sign an annual contract.

We let you sign yourself up and go month by month.

Costly Consulting

Enterprise companies want to sell you consulting services for $1,000’s of dollars to analyze your sales process.

We’re open to learning about your sales process, too. But only so we can help you get the most  out of our software - without charging you extra for it.

Pricing is Private

Enterprise companies often don’t publish their prices online.

PhoneBurner is 100% transparent. We’ve got nothing to hide. Maybe that’s because we’re the most reasonably priced power dialing platform on the market.

Steep Learning Curve

Enterprise companies create bells, whistles, and tools that are have steep learning curves and enterprise-like user interfaces. And they offer certification classes so that IT staff can understand how to use them.

We create stuff that’s uncomplicated and instantly usable. Whether you’re a standalone sales pro or the manager of a well-oiled inside sales machine, we’re usable right out of the box and easy to customize to your needs.

Forced Integration

Enterprise companies make you integrate with Salesforce or other third-party tools.

We let you do that, but we also have a built-in CRM that is powerful enough to help people without a ton of integration needs.

Disconnected from Decisions

Enterprise companies make it difficult for users to communicate feature requests to the decision makers who can actually implement them.

We pride ourselves on keeping decision makers and implementers as close to our clients as possible. Our customers drive our innovation, and know their feedback is heard.

Want Fries With That?

Enterprise companies charge high additional fees for features like recording, local presence, and advanced email tracking.

Our plan is to make these features available for either a minimal fee, or include them in our unlimited plan.

We’re thinking big.

We’re doing big things.

We’ve got big enhancements coming in the very near future.

We’re PhoneBurner.

You could say, we’re enterprising… just don’t call us “enterprise.”

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