What's New in PhoneBurner: May 2022

Jesse Wisnewski

April 25, 2024

2 min

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April showers brought May flowers, and these super helpful platform updates. In our eternal effort to bring you more meaningful conversations, we're giving you clarity over your connection status, better lead filtering, and new report metrics. Here's the full scoop for you.

Internet Connection Quality (Beta)

Ever wonder if your internet connection is causing quality issues? We're adding a new indicator to the dial session window that communicates your connection quality to our system.

New Metrics Added to Your Weekly Report

"Live answer rate" and "total talk time" have been added to the weekly Monday digest email (sent to account owners) so you can stay on top of these important metrics.

Multi-State Search

We've updated our advanced search to support multi-state filtering, giving you greater flexibility to build perfect location-based call lists.

Numeric Custom Fields

ICYMI, the highly-requested numeric custom field type is ready. You can now sort and filter contacts based on any of your custom numerical data points.

Cheers to a Productive Month

May was a big month, but we've got even bigger plans for the summer months. Stay tuned for the newest product updates here, read our most popular blog from the month 19 Sales Memes That Hit Home for All Sales Professionals, and check out our eBook Outbound Sales: 10 Strategies to Close More Deals. See you next month.

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