What's New in PhoneBurner: January 2022

Jesse Wisnewski

April 25, 2024

2 min

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It's hard to believe another year is in the books.

As we prepare to takeoff in 2022, we want to share with you one big update from December and a look back at the best new features of 2021.

And a big shoutout to the team at PhoneBurner who's hard at work behind the scenes creating the tools you need to succeed in your outreach.

Local ID connection reporting

Using Local ID to improve answer rates? Gauge the effectiveness of your numbers using the "Local ID Connection Rate" report, which has been added to the list of "Standard Reports" on your "Team" tab.

Highlights from 2021

We've got grand plans for pushing your outreach to new heights in 2022.

But first, let's pause to look back at some of the most popular features from 2021.

📱SMS dispositions

Configure disposition buttons to send personalized 1-click text messages based on call outcome.

⏸️ Hold button

Place live calls on hold so you can look up an answer, review documents, or answer another call

📎 SmartSender for SMS

Track a contact's interaction with links, documents and videos sent via text, using SmartSender merge codes

⚠️ Number monitoring

Get real-time notifications of spam flags on Local ID numbers so you can pause them until flags are cleared

🕐 LeadStream presets

Pre-configure dial session settings for LeadStreams, so agents can launch into dial sessions faster

📞 Inbound call handling

Create keypress-based flows to route calls, and accept (and record) inbound calls during dial sessions

🗺️ Improved Local ID

Seamlessly purchase, assign, pause, and manage local numbers to meet your team's calling patterns

✳️ Business profile

Register your brand to support STIR/SHAKEN and A2P10DLC compliance, and optimize number reputation

Big things for 2022

This year, our team is preparing to unveil several new features you're going to love.

Be on the lookout to see how our team continues to serve you with the tools you need to connect with more people over the phone.

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