The Top 3 PhoneBurner Reports You Need to Use Every Week

Will Schmidt

April 25, 2024

10 min

Table of Contents

When you’re evaluating the success of your team’s sales call activity, it’s not enough to think that your team is doing a great job. You need to know, definitively, that your team is doing well. 

And you need to be able to easily show other people at your company, like C-Suite Executives and sales leaders, what your team’s sales metrics look like. This is where reporting becomes far more than just a nice-to-have feature—it’s a need-to-have cornerstone of success for any high-performance team. 

That’s why, in addition to our power dialer software, PhoneBurner has robust reporting tools that are available exclusively to team accounts and help you monitor, measure, and motivate your sales team. We want to arm our users with as much relevant data as possible to drive their sales performance.

At the same time, it can be intimidating to venture into the world of reporting for the first time. To help, we’ve put together a quick list of the three standard reports in PhoneBurner that you can easily access:  

  • Disposition Summary Report
  • Dial Session Report
  • Custom Reports 

These three reports are best used in tandem, every week, to ensure your sales team is on track to hit their goals. Let’s dive in.

1. Disposition Summary Report

“Think of the disposition summary report as a 30,000-foot view into the activity of your sales team. It shows what percentage of their calls have been dispositioned into different categories.”—Rachel Chavez, Strategic Account Manager and Product Specialist at PhoneBurner

The dispositions that make up this report are based off the disposition buttons you and your team set in PhoneBurner, which most of our customers have grouped into a dialing set and a live answer set. The former could include “no answer,” “voicemail,” “busy signal,” and “bad number” while the latter could include “interested,” “not interested,” “appointment set,” or “no appointment set.”

Pro Tip: You can create any number of custom disposition buttons that say anything you want. During onboarding with PhoneBurner, our team can help you think through what these might be and implement options that are most relevant to your specific team, sales strategy, and goals.

Let’s say you run a disposition summary report and notice that 90% of your calls have resulted in a “no contact” disposition, meaning that in 90% of your calls nobody answered the phone. This could be a quick, strong indication that you need to vet your lead source, examine your team’s call flow, or revamp your calling and sales strategy.

It’s a great first report to run so you can get the bird’s eye view, share it with whoever needs to see it, and then target the areas where you need to get more granular with your reporting. Usually, the next level down from disposition summary reports is the dial session report.

2. Dial Session Report

“The dial session report is one of the best standard reports PhoneBurner offers our customers because it offers the most actionable information in one place.”—Rachel Chavez, Strategic Account Manager and Product Specialist at PhoneBurner

Let’s continue with the example from the previous section where 90% of overall calls resulted in a “no contact” disposition. With a dial session report, you can isolate each individual rep using PhoneBurner and dig into their activity in a specific session. 

In that way, you can find specific individuals, or stages of your sales cycle, that might be causing this rise in “no contact” calls. For example, you can click into a rep and pull up all of their call stats in a specific date range, which will show you how many contacts that rep called, how many total calls were made, session duration, and how many live answers.

You can also get even more granular and click into a specific session and see the individual calls made within that session. It’ll show all the details for each lead dialed, what the result was, and you can also access call recordings in this report if that’s a feature your team has decided to turn on. 

The dial session report, no matter how you slice it, gives you a granular look inside each rep’s call activity within a given session. 

“There is a slight learning curve [with PhoneBurner’s reporting] but it's well worth it. So many reports you can build, trackers, tags, options, automation, and time saving features. It really boosts productivity for agents. There are also a lot of informative videos for set up and advanced users. So far, any questions I've had have been answered via one of the tutorials or by one of the customer service representatives. Team also built a whole new report with a new format for me. The level of customer service is above and beyond. I will bet that you'll purchase after the free trial.”—Naz S., PhoneBurner customer

3. Custom Reports

“The custom report is where the magic happens, because you can see all the dial session stats, like all the calls made and number of live answers, but you can also add additional data points to the report as well.”—Rachel Chavez, Strategic Account Manager and Product Specialist at PhoneBurner

Out of the box, this report is named “Member Detail Report,” but you can name it anything you want. It’s built to collect basic stats—calls, emails, voicemails, etc.—but you can add other data to it to make the report truly custom-fit your needs and wants.

And editing this custom report is as easy as clicking “Edit Report” in the top right. From there you can change the name, default date range it pulls, include a call graph, calculate call stats, and even add a rep leaderboard that shows call stats in real-time.

You can also add fields to the report and then adjust where they are in the report. And when it comes to adding new fields, there are options like:

  • Member first name, last name, email, or other information
  • Calculations of session stats across all buttons in the dialing set
  • Specific call out comes based on disposition buttons
  • Real-time accounts of specific folders to compare leads in different distribution folders, or call result folders

Activity is a key field here that’s newer to the custom report, and it allows you to see activity from a lead or contact level, as well as an agent level. You can see which agent sent emails, and which leads opened emails right from the report. 

Pro Tip: If you want to examine activity in your custom report, make sure you set the “Type” as “Activity” before going into the actual “Activity” menu to choose what activities you want your report to display.

Last, with custom reports, you can also decide who on your team is going to be in the report. That is, you can have multiple reports with some team members included, but not everyone. The cherry on top here is that you can email the custom reports automatically to yourself or anyone else—even those outside of PhoneBurner—daily, weekly, or monthly.  

Dive Deeper Into PhoneBurner Reporting

These three standard reports are highly effective, but they’re only scratching the surface of what’s capable with PhoneBurner’s reporting features. Once you get going, you’ll find that you can establish a robust data and analytics ecosystem that centers on PhoneBurner, just like our customer Cetera did.

“Management finally has the oversight it needs. It’s the first time I’ve seen reports coming out of a CRM type of system that really help guide management. After years of digging through records and bad reporting in Salesforce, [we] have instant access to calls made, emails sent, talk time, and other critical metrics. It’s a total source of truth.”—Cetera 

You can get insight into anything from leads by source all the way to Local ID connect rate if you take advantage of PhoneBurner Local IDs. And if you’re a premium PhoneBurner user, you can even get reports into the effectiveness of our SMS usage. 

If you want to get up and running with PhoneBurner, and our reporting features, make sure to sign up for a free trial today.

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