The Salesperson's Guide to a Healthy Sleep Routine

Jeff Osness

April 25, 2024

7 min

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While your nighttime routine probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you consider factors that affect your sales numbers, it's much more important than you may realize.

Getting sufficient, high-quality sleep isn't just critical for overall health, it's vital for performance as well. Sleep impacts everything from focus, to mood, to productivity, to mental agility.

In other words, good sleep habits can make you a more effective salesperson.

That's why today, we'll explain a sleep routine that can help you can get a perfect night's rest.

1. Set Up Your Bedroom for Sleep

If your bedroom is partially illuminated from street lights outside or it's too warm, you could find it harder to fall asleep. Or, you might find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, or too early.

A proper bedroom setup requires that the room is at a comfortable temperature and it's as dark as you can get it. Black-out curtains can help with this.

2. Prepare for Your Next Morning in Advance

You don't want to be kept up because you're going over the next morning in your head. Figure out what your morning routine will be well before you go to bed to avoid this.

Anything you can get done the day or night before is well worth doing. Not only can it help you sleep, but it will make your morning more relaxed as well.

3. Avoid Eating or Drinking Too Close to Bed

Give yourself at least an hour between any eating and drinking and the time you go to bed. This way, you won't be in the middle of digesting when you hit the hay. Obviously, you should cut off your caffeine intake much earlier.

4. Have a Consistent Sleep Schedule

It's always easier to sleep when your body is used to a schedule. Aim to go to bed at the same time every night. Eventually, your body will adapt to it and you'll be falling asleep the moment your head hits the pillow.

5. Shut Down the Electronics

Electronic devices keep your mind racing and focused on stress-inducing things. Plus, the "blue light" they give off is proven to disrupt sleep. At least an hour before bed, turn off the computer, TV, smartphone and anything else you use. Give your mind some time to relax.

6. Get Your Mind Off Work

Work is one of those things that always seems to keep the mind moving when you're trying to drift off to sleep. This is especially true for salespeople, who tend to have a lot of conversations to replay in their mind each night.

For at least an hour before bed, and especially once you've turned in for the night, forbid yourself from entertaining work and sales-related thoughts. When a thought enters, let it go... and see what's still worth thinking about the next morning.

7. Do Something that Relaxes Your Mind

Figure out what you can do that will have your mind nice and calm for bed. Reading is a popular choice, as is writing or drawing in a notebook. Mindfulness meditation is also a great option, as it encourages you to focus your mind on your body or breath, rather than the day behind or in front of you.

8. Avoid Watching the Clock

Once you go to sleep, don't look at the clock over and over. Turn it away from your bed so that you aren't worrying about how long you've been awake.

9. Don't Force It

Worrying about sleep is a great way to derail sleep. So don't force it. If you find  you're getting nowhere, return to a before-bed activity. Do this for 10-20 minutes or until you feel drowsy, and then try going to sleep.

Wrapping Up the Salesperson's Guide to a Healthy Sleep Routine

A great nighttime routine will improve your sleep pattern and have you ready to perform at your best the next day. To recap, here are the nine steps to a perfect night's sleep:

  • Make sure your bedroom is comfortable and dark.
  • Have a plan for when you get up in the morning.
  • Stop eating and drinking for at least one hour before bed.
  • Go to bed at the same time every night.
  • Stop using any electronic devices 30 minutes to an hour before bed.
  • Don't let yourself entertain work thoughts near bedtime.
  • Find an activity that calms you down and gets you ready to sleep.
  • Keep your eyes off the clock.
  • Go back to that relaxing activity if you're tossing and turning.
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