9 Sales Presentation Tips to Move Your Deal Forward (Or Close it)

Jeff Osness

April 25, 2024

10 min

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Your sales presentation is a defining moment.

It determines whether the window of opportunity slams shut, stays open, or if you seal the deal. The fact that the prospect is letting you do the presentation in the first place means that there is some level of interest.

A good presentation successfully illustrates the value of the product to the prospect.

A weak one leaves them bored, confused, underwhelmed, or overwhelmed.

To help you avoid the latter, we're covering nine sales presentation tips to help you keep opportunities open, and deals closing!

1. Start by Learning About Your Audience

Where is your prospect at now? What are their challenges? What are they trying to accomplish? What else are they considering? What does their ideal solution look like? Whatever you can't uncover from research you'll need to ask during your call or presentation.

These are all things you need to know, because it's absolutely vital to...

2. Tailor Your Presentation to Your Audience

What matters to and motivates one person, may be useless to another. Your presentation needs to be custom tailored to the person you're speaking to. That's why #1 is so important.

Leave the cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach behind and you're far more likely to cover topics that pique the interest and buy buttons of your audience.

3. Shorter Is Better, You Don't Have to Cover Everything

A sales presentation is not an "Avengers" movie. People's attention will wane if it goes on too long. And even good content can overwhelm if there's too much of it.

So be cognizant of what's actually vital and cut out the rest. Your presentation will be more effective for it. After all, a couple highlights that really stick with your prospect is more valuable than a laundry list of details that end up forgotten.

4. Keep the Goal in Mind

In line with the previous point, realize that sales often take more than one presentation or conversation anyway.

So don't go into every presentation with the mindset that you have to close. Have a specific goal in mind. To schedule a demo. To set up a free trial. To send a free sample. To create a custom proposal.

Provide the information you need to achieve that goal, and leave the rest for the next stage.

5. Include Visuals

Being able to show your prospect something once required a face-to-face meeting. No longer. Now there are screen-sharing and online meeting platforms for that too.

Visual aids are a great way to make a presentation more interesting for your audience. So utilize images, video, or live demonstrations when it can you help show value, build emotion, or pave the way to a sale.

Putting a full-blown presentation together? Make sure your slides are well-thought out, with a consistent, professional background image that fits with your brand.

6. Tell a Story

The best speakers and salespeople don't just explain things. They tell stories that help their audience understand and internalize the benefits their solution can offer.

Look for ways you can build a larger story around what you're selling.

7. Let Interruptions Happen

The best presentations are two-way exchanges. They involve a back and forth, that inevitably move the conversation in the direction it needs to go.

If you get interrupted, don't feel the need to get back on topic as quickly as possible. Think about what the interruption is telling you, and clarify... or pivot if the situation demands it.

Your presentation will be more effective, and you'll connect more with your audience.

8. Ask for Feedback

It's always smart to involve your audience in the presentation.

Don't be afraid to ask if what you're covering makes sense... if it's valuable... if it fits their situation. Invite questions and feedback.

9. Have Your Closing Phrase Ready

As discussed in #4, your presentation should have a goal.

Whether that goal is a step along the path, or a fully executed sale, don't expect your audience to cross the finish line on their own. Have a closing phrase ready, just as you'd have a call-to-action in an email or marketing piece.

(If you’d like some examples, there are some great closing phrases in this article from HubSpot.)

Wrapping Up 9 Sales Presentation Tips to Close the Next Deal…

A sales presentation is an opportunity to move a deal forward. But an ineffective presentation can have the opposite effect. To recap, here are nine sales presentation tips that will help you move closer to a sale.

  • Learn about your audience.
  • Customize your presentation around their needs.
  • It's better to be concise than to overwhelm.
  • Know the goal of your presentation.
  • When possible, include visuals.
  • Work in stories where you can.
  • Use interruptions to your advantage.
  • Get your audience's feedback throughout the presentation.
  • Prepare your close.

As these additional tips on nailing your sales presentation illustrate, what you do after the presentation is also super important. So don't forget the follow-up!

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