8 Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Sales Team

John Rydell

April 23, 2024

10 min

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While salespeople are typically very self-motivated, recognition of their efforts is still important. It's often that formal recognition that drives your sales team to go above and beyond.

Beyond that, it's also just a nice thing to do. And it helps cultivate a positive work environment.

That's why today, we're going to tell you eight great ways to show appreciation to your sales team.

1. Lunch On You

Who doesn't like free food? Whether you take the team out for lunch or get delivery, a meal is always appreciated.

If you don't want to get a full-blown meal, snacks or desserts can certainly work as well.

2. Hold an Event

When your team has been working hard for you, an event is a fun option to celebrate those efforts. It's also a great way to build camaraderie.

You could throw a party at the office, at a local restaurant, your home or rent a space for it.

3. Allow Extra Time Off

Most businesses can't do this all the time, but on occasion, see if you can give members of the team an extra day off. Or let them cut out early on a Friday. In addition to feeling appreciated, an unexpected break makes for a good opportunity to recharge and return highly motivated.

4. Bring in a Masseuse

Grinding away day after day can be stressful. A calming massage is the perfect way to de-stress and recharge.

If you hire a masseuse for your sales team, they can all get massages throughout the day when they have a moment.

5. Have a Top Performer Trophy

One fun little way to motivate your team and stoke those competitive fires is to set up a trophy for the top performer of each day or week. This could be an actual trophy, a boxing-style championship belt or anything else you think fits the bill.

It's a fun way to reward effort, and the holder is bound to feel appreciated.

6. Put Up a Praise Board

Have plenty of open wall space in your office? Why not use that to recognize your sales staff. You can praise top sales numbers, most calls, best team player, and a host of other accomplishments.

Whether you put up photos or simply names, a praise board is an excellent public recognition option.

7. Give Out Handwritten Cards or Notes

Never underestimate the power of a simple card or note telling someone that they've done a good job.

You could get cards for this or write quick "thank you" notes on post-its and stick those at employee workstations. Even an email praising an accomplishment or strong effort can go a long way.

8. Try Inexpensive Gifts

Like free food, gifts are pretty much universally loved, and they can help employees feel extra appreciated. Movie passes are a popular choice for employee gifts, and of course, there are always gift cards, as well.

Wrapping Up 8 Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Sales Team…

Gestures of appreciation and recognition can make a big difference to a sales team. They're good for morale, they can boost performance, and they help cultivate a positive environment and company culture. To recap, here are eight ways you can show your team how much you appreciate them:

  • Buy lunch or some snacks for them.
  • Throw a special event to celebrate their great work.
  • Let people leave a bit early or take a day off.
  • Hire a masseuse to help your team relax.
  • Hand out a top performer trophy every day or week.
  • Start a praise board on the wall.
  • Put your appreciation for them in writing.
  • Stock up on small gifts to give out for a job well done.

What do you do to show your sales team appreciation? Or what tokens of recognition have you personally received?

Let us know in the comments.

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