7 Secrets to Excellent Calendar Management

John Rydell

April 25, 2024

10 min

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Most sales professionals have a lot of responsibilities competing for their time each day. Knowing what to do, when, and staying productive with so much on your plate each day is a challenge.

That's why effective time management is so critical to success.

One of the best tools we have to manage our day, and keep it flowing productively from one hour to the next is the humble calendar.

It is very important that anyone in sales learn not only how to manage their calendar, but to improve the way in which they use the limited time they have each day.

Here are some tips for mastering calendar management that will help you pack more productivity into each day, while remaining cool, calm, and focused.

1. One Calendar to Rule Them All

It is hard to keep your day organized when you use multiple calendars, and schedule appointments in so many ways - ie. over email, in person, on the phone, using calendar apps, etc.

Having one primary calendar where everything is recorded/synced is critical.

PhoneBurner's calendar integrates with your Google calendar so you can confidently schedule appointments during your outreach.

2. Split Your Day in Two

In the morning, your mind is fresher and sharper. Your motivation is at its peak. It's wise to block off a few hours in the morning to make calls, and leave the afternoon and evening open for appointments and follow-ups. A structured day that plays into your strengths will bring you much better results.

3. Get Big Tasks Out of the Way Early

One of the most effective pieces of scheduling advice a sales professional will ever get is to take on the major tasks of the day first. Too many professionals get sidetracked by little tasks that they can "get out of the way", while putting off the truly important work for later. Prioritizing the tasks most worthy of your attention not only makes you more successful... it also opens up your day, and keeps your mind clear and focused.

4. Try to Keep Your Days and Weeks Consistent

Keeping your schedule consistent will help you get into a focused and productive rhythm. In addition to setting aside the same hours each day for the same tasks, divide your week in a predictable intelligent fashion to maximize your results.

Smart sales teams build cadences using this concept. For example, our mortgage dialing template includes a proven call cadence that blocks out Mondays for calling realtors, Tuesdays for loan status calls, Wednesdays for new leads, etc.

5. Use Technology to Automate When You Can

Allow technology, such as your advanced CRM, to create and send out your weekly prospect emails and then you can check in on the progress of those emails and follow-up where necessary. Use apps like Calendly, to automate the scheduling of appointments and demos, and to avoid time-wasting back-and-forth communication. Take advantage of apps like Zapier and PieSync to keep your sales stack connected automatically.

Any task that can be automated should be automated to free up time in your day.

6. Preview Your Day

The first thing you should do every morning is review your schedule for the day. If you want to change something, the morning is the time to do that. By reviewing your calendar in the morning, you have a clear picture of what's ahead, making it easier to stay on task.

7. Don't Multi-Task

Some sales professionals pride themselves on their ability to multi-task. In truth, all they are really doing is losing focus and degrading the quality of their work. Use your calendar to block off focused blocks of time, and to ensure every task is handled with your full, focused attention.

Maintain Excellent Calendar Management

For the successful sales professional, time management is incredibly important. Follow these calendar management tips to ensure every day is smooth, focused, and productive:

  • Have one primary calendar where everything is recorded or synced
  • Split up your day to make it more effective
  • Take care of big tasks first
  • Try to make your routine consistent throughout the week
  • Use technology to get the administrative tasks out of the way
  • Preview your day before you get started
  • Never multi-task
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