7 Keys to a Great Sales Script

Jeff Osness

April 25, 2024

12 min

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Your sales script is one of the most vital tools you have in phone-based sales. Too often, sales professionals just go with what they think works, without understanding the hows and whys behind the words.

If you’re utilizing a script, you should not only know it well, but have a relationship with it that goes deeper than reciting lines. Your script is something that should be thought about, analyzed and evolved.

When you take the journey to really inspect the nuts and bolts beneath the surface of your script, you’ll not only be better positioned to use it to its fullest, you're likely to improve your results.

Below are seven keys to a great sales script:

1. It’s engaging

A successful sales script is one that is engaging and draws the lead in from the start. It hits on major benefits or pain points that your target undoubtedly thinks about. Try reading your script out loud and recording yourself. When you listen back, do you feel a desire to hear more? If not, consider revising.

2. It’s not too technical

People buy based on emotion. On desiring a result, or wanting to alleviate a pain point. That's why getting too technical can be costly.

You know your company’s products and services inside and out, but this knowledge may keep you too close to technical subjects. Tread closer to benefits and results than getting overly detail-oriented, and avoid overusing industry-specific jargon. Don’t go over their heads, but instead, use the language that they use. Otherwise, you'll lose their focus, and likely the sale.

3. It addresses questions/objections before they come up

A good script proactively addresses questions and concerns, especially when they come up again and again. To do this, consider common questions and objections, and work answers or solutions to them into your script. This provides you with a greater degree of control over the direction of the call, keeps you conversational rather than defensive, and helps a lead to see the real value in what you have to offer over other options.

4. It includes credibility or social proof

Social proof is important when selling just about anything. It lends credibility to your pitch, your offer, your terms, everything. That's why a good script includes social proof elements. These can include awards and recognition, endorsements, companies or individuals you've worked with, relevant business statistics or even satisfaction ratings and reviews. Other people's words lend credibility to your words, so work social proof in your script.

5. It invites conversation

The parts of your script in which you ask questions and listen are as important (if not more important) than the parts in which you speak. Remember that the goal is to understand your lead’s needs, fears, desires and so on, so you can provide a specific and credible solution. A conversational exchange gives you that opportunity, builds trust, and helps close deals.

6. It demonstrates authority and subject matter expertise

On a sales call, you come from a position of authority. Why? Because you've identified a want, need, or pain point... and you have a credible solution. You're educated about the range of options available. Your script should reflect this. Speak from a place of expertise to allow a lead to defer to you for answers and advice surrounding your products, services and industry.

7. It’s direct and purposeful

A good script is direct. You only have a limited amount of time, and you have a clear outcome that you're trying to achieve. This is why you should cut any content from your script that doesn’t serve that purpose. You may have to play around with the balance between conversation and information, but when you find it, you’ll be more efficient at eliciting your desired response or action.

Wrapping up 7 important keys to a great sales script

Scripts differ from industry to industry, lead to lead, and call campaign to call campaign. But what doesn't change are the fundamentals of a great script. Remember to continually evaluate and improve your scripts, ensuring each one:

  • Is engaging
  • Is not too technical
  • Addresses common questions and objections
  • Includes credibility and social proof
  • Is conversational
  • Demonstrates your subject matter expertise and authority
  • Is direct and purposeful

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