3 Valuable Lessons to Take from Sales Success

John Greene

September 17, 2024

8 min

Table of Contents

We’ve talked a lot about sales failures and rejections. But what about the other side of the coin? What lessons should you take from sales success?

While it's easy to focus on the financial benefits of closing a deal, it's also important not to lose sight of what success can actually teach you. That's how you make success last.

Today, we’ll outline 3 important lessons to take from sales success, whether you’re using our power dialing system or a different platform. Take these teachings to heart so they can help you stay on top when you’re crushing it—and get you out of the rut when you’re struggling.

Sales rep making humble gesture in meeting

1) Ego is the Enemy

As we gain success, it’s easy for our ego to inflate. Confidence is great—but you must walk the line between confidence and an unhealthy belief in your own importance.

Once you go from confident to arrogant, things can start to turn sour. Ego can leave you believing that you can stop learning—that you don’t need feedback because you know what you're doing. Ego can make you complacent.

As Ryan Holiday says:

“Confidence is based on what is real—it is earned. Ego is based on delusion and wishful thinking—it is artifice. Confidence doesn’t alienate us from others. On the contrary, it allows us to relate to others better—because it has removed insecurity and fear from the equation.”

Don’t allow your ego to take over. Be aware of its presence and the delusions it can lead you into.

Two sales reps holding sign in shape of downward arrow to symbolize end of sales streak

2) Embrace the Impermanence of Everything

Here’s a fact of life: all things come to an end.

Even when you’re on a hot streak and you’re hitting on all cylinders, you can’t stay hot forever. At some point, you’ll hit a rough patch (even if it’s just a short one).

Learn More: 3 Reasons You Should Embrace Rejection

Allow yourself to acknowledge and accept this truth. Understand that things won’t always be the same—you won’t always feel like you’re on top of the world.

Enjoy the success, but don’t get attached to it. Don’t allow it to seep into your identity. By taking this approach, you’ll put less pressure on yourself and your successful streaks will often last longer.

A helpful thought is, “This is amazing, but I know nothing is permanent, and I’m okay with that. I'll continue to push toward more success.”

Sales team smiling with thumbs up to symbolize positive attitude

3) Attitude is Crucial

When we’re having success, our attitude tends to be very positive. And that helps us continue to do better. It gives us momentum.

But when we’re failing or struggling, we often forget this works both ways. We tend to focus on obstacles and excuses, despite the fact that a positive attitude can help us break out of the slump.

The thing is, what you do next doesn’t really depend on what you just did. It depends on your attitude and willingness to learn, improve, and achieve now.

As PhoneBurner’s CEO Chris Sorensen elegantly puts it in this LinkedIn Post, Q2 “doesn’t care” how well (or badly) you performed in Q1. 

Learn More: How to Stop Negative Thinking and Make More Sales

Set Yourself Up for Sales Success with PhoneBurner

Once you know how to deal with sales success, PhoneBurner can help you achieve more of it on your outbound calls. We designed our dialing software with tools that help reps get more live answers and more meaningful conversations that drive closed deals.

These include:

  • Up to 4x faster dialing with no beep or telemarketer delay to improve efficiency while ensuring smoother conversations with prospects.
  • Built-in CRM features and integrations to help you track and leverage prospect information and set every call up for a meaningful interaction.
  • Live call coaching tools to help you monitor and engage in skills training in real-time

Use these features and more to bring success into focus on your sales calls—then use the tips above to help keep it in perspective and manage it effectively.

Not a PhoneBurner user yet? Start a free trial today.

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