Integrate with our power dialer

Zapier integrates your favorite tools and apps with PhoneBurner

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2000+ Integrations

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Simple, no-code solution

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4x outbound productivity

Transform contact lists into more revenue

Transform contact lists into more revenue

Zapier simple setup

Simple setup

Zapier is the perfect way to automate processes between PhoneBurner and your CRM, marketing apps, and 2,000+ other productivity tools – with no coding needed.

Boost call volume up to 4x

Lead automation

Boost call volume up to 4x

Want more conversations, appointments, and closed deals? Call 60-80 contacts per hour using any phone. Connections are 100% delay-free so contacts think you dialed them by hand.

Tedious tasks handled

Tedious tasks handled

One button click can leave a voicemail, send an email, log the call, record notes and tags, and more. Zapier can automate other processes and move data in and out of PhoneBurner as needed.

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“We wouldn't be recruiting as many patients. The efficiency of PhoneBurner has been the difference.”

David L. Rodin

David L. Rodin

CEO, Amici Clinical

Read success story

Features that save time and skyrocket sales

Make calls from anywhere

Use any phone or our softphone, for crystal clear connections

No "telemarketing delay"

Make the most of every live answer. Hear contacts say "hello" and reply immediately.


#1 Answer rate solution: cutting-edge analytics and spam flag protection.

1-click voicemails

Save 60 seconds every time you reach voicemail.

1-click emails & SMS

Boost callbacks and conversions with instant emails and SMS for any call outcome.

Automatically log calls

PhoneBurner logs every call and every outcome, for every rep, so everything is measurable.

Recording & Reporting

Finally, have complete visibility over your team’s productivity and performance.

Simple integrations

Zapier creates seamless connections without coding to move data in or out of PhoneBurner.

Award-winning support

Simple setup and an amazing team ensure you get results, fast… guaranteed!

Integration requirements

Move data in and out of PhoneBurner and automate all of your workflows. Integrate with over 2000 apps and tools using Zapier. Additional fees apply.

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Explore Zapier Integrations

Discover Zaps that connect your favorite tools to PhoneBurner

Adored by admins, loved by reps


Dmitriy P.

Why didn’t anyone tell me about this earlier

“I’m in love. We were able to go from 200 calls per agent per day to 200 calls in a few hours. PhoneBurner allows for scalability without the insane overhead.”

Dan Hunter

Dan Hunter

Nearly 4x growth year over year

“PhoneBurner has been great for our growth strategy. We've been growing like crazy.”

FAQs about our Zapier dialer integration

A whole lot of them. Currently, Zapier supports over 2,000 PhoneBurner integrations. If you can find your tool here, you can automate your work and supercharge your productivity even further.

Zapier is the perfect integration tool for when you want to initiate an action based on a trigger. For example, if someone fills out a form on Facebook or your website, send their contact details to PhoneBurner. Or if someone is marked “Interested” in PhoneBurner, send them to my CRM.

Zaps are based on a trigger and an action. To push data into PhoneBurner, you’ll define a trigger in another app, and set the action to PhoneBurner. Alternatively, you can apply a Zapier webhook to a PhoneBurner disposition button as your trigger, and send contact and call details to another system.

Zaps can be created in minutes without coding, and without a developer. Our friendly team is available to help if you need it.

Select the contacts you’d like to call and click “Begin Dial Session.” You’ll make one call into the PhoneBurner bridge using any phone, or your browser and a headset. PhoneBurner then dials your first contact. Custom buttons will log the outcome of each call and streamline all of your workflows (leave voicemails, send emails, move contacts, etc.) so you focus on live conversations.

No. You will hear your contacts say “hello” and can reply instantly. The experience is exactly as if you dialed each contact by hand.

Absolutely. Start your no-obligation free trial today. Our team can help you leverage Zapier to build the automations you need.


Have more conversations. Close more deals.

Get started with a free trial. No credit card needed.