Paul Baldovin is a financial services recruiter for Cetera Financial Group, a leading provider of wealth management solutions. He and his team book meetings with high-value financial professionals in hopes of bringing them into the Cetera family of advisory professionals.
“I went from highly suspicious to amazed at the time savings, the minute I started using PhoneBurner.”
Paul Baldovin
Recruiter Cetera
Major financial recruiting firms all have access to the same database of professionals. Therefore success in the field comes down to prospecting prowess - better prep, smarter contact management, and more personalized follow-up drives better results.
All of this takes considerable time, and established recruiter Paul Baldovin “hadn’t met a CRM he liked” to streamline the process. A lack of solid reporting options in Salesforce also made it difficult to track whether his team was making efficient and effective use of their time.
A recommendation from an executive recruiting firm prompted Cetera to check out PhoneBurner. Native integration with Salesforce meant they could keep existing processes in place, but take advantage of newfound efficiencies. “It's a breeze inside of Salesforce” Baldovan commented.
The customization potential immediately impressed Boldovan, who explained, “PhoneBurner can be used a million different ways.” He took advantage of “exceptional” onboarding to configure the dialer for time savings, utilizing 1-click Voicemails, instant emails, and workflow automation to streamline follow-up calls. Call recordings and custom reports delivered much-needed transparency.
It’s so smooth, just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom
For Cetera, prospecting has never been easier. Or faster. “PhoneBurner kills an hour of prep time in the morning before I make calls, and then dialing there are efficiencies everywhere.” His team has all of the tools they need to be “extremely good at booking meetings” and with less pressure and effort. “I’ve already got my appointments booked today. I can do whatever I want.”
Plus, management finally has the oversight it needs. “It’s the first time I’ve seen reports coming out of a CRM type of system that really help guide management.” After years of digging through records and “bad reporting” in Salesforce, they have instant access to calls made, emails sent, talk time and other critical metrics. “It’s a total source of truth.”
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